To Feel Confident, Communicate Clearly, Resolve Conflicts And Achieve Work/Life Balance

In 90 Days

without feeling overwhelmed or burning out




To Feel Confident, Communicate Clearly, Resolve Conflicts And Achieve Work/Life Balance In 90 Days

...without feeling overwhelmed or burning out



Ambitious Professionals and Leaders


By Levelling-up your Confidence, Communication & Leadership Skills

…without burning out or sacrificing work/ life balance


Navigating Challenges, Made Easy…

If you're a driven leader in the Tech & Media industries, looking to level-up
but you're facing challenges with confidence, communication, or leadership…

I recognise your difficulties:

Struggling with your leadership identity, and finding it difficult to inspire and lead your team.

Investing in developing your skills, but still facing obstacles preventing you from reaching your goals.

Aware of your leadership potential, but find yourself hindered by uncertainty

and self-doubt.

Striving for that perfect

work-life balance, but overwhelmed by competing responsibilities.

Tried various methods to improve, but still looking for strategies that actually make a difference.

Don't worry - You’ve Come To The Right Place!  

If you're frustrated with the fact that nothing has worked before, fed up dealing with the same issues time and again,
and you actually want to get meaningful and long-lasting results...

Navigating Challenges,
Made Easy…

If you're a driven leader in the Tech & Media industries, eager for growth but facing challenges with confidence, communication, or leadership…

I recognise your difficulties:

  • Struggling with your leadership identity, and finding it difficult to inspire and lead your team.

  • Investing in developing your skills, but still facing obstacles to achieve your desired outcomes.

  • Recognise your leadership potential, but feel held back by uncertainty

    and self-doubt.

  • Aiming for that ideal

    work-life balance, yet overwhelmed by competing responsibilities.

  • Tried various methods to improve, but still searching for strategies that truly make a difference.

Don't worry -

You’ve Come To The Right Place!  

Say goodbye to the stress of juggling communication challenges, balancing professional and personal responsibilities, navigating leadership complexities, and their impact on your relationships…


The only coaching program that equips Tech & Media professionals with the mindset, emotional and interpersonal abilities you need to bring out the best in yourself and others.

My unique synthesis of academic models, emotional intelligence, communication skills and personal insight will help you to show up authentically and 10x the quality of your communication and your relationships.

With my support, you'll gain the clarity, direction, and practical tools you need to actually get the results you want (and deserve).

It's time to redefine your journey to success. You're capable of greatness. Let me help you realise it!


The only coaching program that equips Tech & Media professionals with the mindset, emotional and interpersonal abilities for holistic growth & next level success.

I blend scientific research and innovative solutions, challenging traditional norms to drive your growth forward.

With a unique mix of academic models, emotional intelligence, and communication skills, expect to authentically enhance your communication, leadership and relationships.

Furthermore, with my dedicated support, you'll gain the clarity, direction, and practical tools needed to reach your potential, build your confidence, overcome imposter syndrome, and prevent burnout.

It's time to redefine your journey to success. You're capable of greatness. Let me help you realise it!

Break Free from…

Struggles with communication
and connection.

Navigating leadership challenges without a clear roadmap to success.

Burnout, overwhelm
and relentless
work-life pressures.

Persistent feelings of
self-doubt and
imposter syndrome.

Self-limiting beliefs
and insecurities

holding you back.

Break Free from…

  • Struggles with communication

    and connection.

  • Navigating leadership challenges without a clear roadmap to success.

  • Burnout, overwhelm and relentless

    work-life pressures.

  • Persistent feelings of self-doubt and

    imposter syndrome.

  • Self-limiting beliefs and insecurities

    holding you back.

Get Ready to…


Communication Barriers

Unlock your ability to
communicate with clarity and impact, overcoming barriers that stand in the way of your success.


Cultivate Thriving


Sharpen your communication and conflict resolution skills to foster harmonious relationships in both your professional and personal life.


Foster Strong
Leadership Foundations

Develop a leadership style that blends authority with empathy, empowering your team to achieve peak collaboration and motivation.

Get Ready to…


Conquer Communication Barriers

Unleash your potential to communicate with clarity and impact, breaking through
barriers that limit your success.


Cultivate Thriving Relationships

Hone your communication and conflict resolutions skills to build harmonious relationships, professionally and personally.


Foster Strong Leadership Foundations

Cultivate leadership that combines authority with empathy, empowering your team for peak collaboration

and motivation.

What My Clients Say:

Daryl's Coaching Propels CNN Weekend Editor into Senior Role, Transforming Career Trajectory.

Pete Wilkinson

Daryl's Coaching Transforms Challenges into Opportunities: A Journey of Growth and Efficiency.

Teele Tamme

Daryl's Coaching Helps to Enhance Career Growth by Creating a Space for Development.

Kim Smirnov

Daryl's Coaching Unlocks Confidence and Balance: From Overachieving Doubt to Strategic Career Growth

Soulaf Khalifeh

Daryl's Coaching Propels Career Growth, Ensuring Promotion and Pay Raise

Fernando Chonqui

Daryl's Mastery in Radical Candor Transforms Teams from Planning to Execution

Paula Marquez

What My Clients Say:

Daryl's Mentorship Propels
CNN Weekend Editor into Senior Role, Transforming Career Trajectory.

Pete Wilkinson

Daryl's Coaching Transforms Challenges
into Opportunities: A Journey of
Growth and Efficiency.

Teele Tamme

Daryl helps Navigate Corporate Waters
and Enhance Career Growth by
Creating a Space for Development.

Kim Smirnov

Daryl's Mentorship Unlocks Confidence

and Balance: From Overachieving

Doubt to Strategic Career Growth

Soulad Khalifeh

Daryl's Coaching Propels Career Growth,

Ensuring Promotion and Pay Raise

Fernando Chonqui

Daryl's Mastery in Radical Candor Transforms

Teams from Planning to Execution

Paula Marquez


I believe in the power of personalisation. That's why everything I offer is completely bespoke to
your unique needs, challenges, and goals.

My coaching is specifically designed for leaders in Tech & Media delivering targeted strategies
to boost confidence, refine communication and master leadership complexities. The aim?

To drive your success in both your professional and personal life.

Forget one-size-fits-all programs. Welcome to customised solutions, designed exclusively for you,
where your growth is not just a possibility - it's guaranteed.


I believe in the power of personalisation. That's why everything I do is completely bespoke to
your unique needs, challenges, and goals.

My approach is strategically tailored for leaders in Tech & Media delivering targeted strategies
to boost confidence, refine communication and master leadership complexities. The goal?

To propel you to unparalleled success in your professional and personal life.

Forget one-size-fits-all programs. Welcome to customised solutions, designed exclusively for you,
where your growth is not just a possibility - it's a promise.

Meet Daryl Seager

Founder of TechCoach

Hi, I'm Daryl, founder of TechCoach.

Growing up in a turbulent and abusive household, I constantly sought validation and love. My father left when I was 16, and my mother’s anger and emotional instability made me into a people-pleaser, afraid of conflict. This total lack of emotional support meant I struggled with low confidence and low self-esteem.

At 18, a Landmark Forum seminar ignited my interest in personal development. Yet, despite my passion for psychology and philosophy, I was steered towards business studies to appease my mother's wishes.

Depression silently shadowed me for nearly two decades, affecting my mental health, my relationships and my self-worth. I navigated multiple careers, from recruitment to sales to artist management, always yearning to help others grow.

My people pleasing behaviour - valuing others’ opinions over my own needs - meant that my pursuit of external validation came at the expense of personal happiness and self-fulfilment.

Through continued deep personal work, I transformed my own mental health struggles and lack of confidence into an empowering methodology for strengthening communication and relationships. By integrating psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and coaching, I have created a unique methodology that has helped over 5,000 leaders and individuals across 20 countries level-up their confidence, self-belief and communication to create happier, more engaged, workplace cultures as well as more fulfilling personal and professional relationships.

My mission is to ensure my clients feel cared for, seen, heard and empowered. My parents never told me they were proud of me; I was never enough. I started my business to provide my clients the support we all need, want, and deserve - the support I never had.

Every day, I try to make at least 1 person smile.

My focus
Levelling-up your leadership & life.

Enhancing your communication & relationships.

Bringing love & laughter into leadership & life.

My experience
15+ years in Personal Development, Coaching & Consulting.

My approach
Open. Caring. Direct (I will call you on your bullshit).

My principles
Curiosity. Compassion. Connection. Consistency.

My values
Care. Creativity. Contribution. Wellbeing.

Together, we'll get shit done and get you to where you want to be professionally and personally.

Meet Daryl Seager

Founder of TechCoach

Hi, I'm Daryl, founder of TechCoach.

My personal journey began with numerous challenges, including my parents' divorce at 16, which left me feeling lost and disconnected.

However, through a series of personal development experiences, I discovered a passion for helping others navigate similar struggles to unlock their full potential. With a diverse career spanning recruitment, sales, marketing, teaching, and consulting, my focus has always been on empowering individuals to thrive and grow.

In 2009, I embarked on a journey that led me to coaching and consulting, ultimately culminating in the founding of TechCoach in June 2023.

My mission is clear: to empower leaders in the Tech, Media, Finance & Banking industries to thrive both professionally and personally.

Step into a future where your leadership drives real results.

Together, we'll sharpen your leadership, enhance your communication, and balance your life. It’s time to create a life of both impactful success and enriched well-being.


Learn how 200+ leaders like you have achieved

significant growth and success using my effective methods...


Break Through Communication Barriers:

My coaching directly addresses your communication challenges, helping you improve teamwork, increase productivity, and advance your career.


Nurture Meaningful Relationships:

Learn how to build genuine connections that will enrich your professional network and enhance your personal satisfaction and happiness.


Navigate Leadership Challenges with Confidence:

Develop the essential skills and insights needed to master leadership nuances and position yourself as a visionary leader in your industry.


Prevent Burnout and Achieve Work-Life Harmony:

My approach helps you balance your professional goals with personal well-being, ensuring lasting success without compromising your health or happiness.


Overcome Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome:

Overcome limiting beliefs and self-doubt to unlock your full potential and step confidently into your leadership role.


Maximise Return on Investment:

Unlike generic programs, my personalised approach delivers tangible results, ensuring a strong return on your investment in your personal and professional growth.

Stop hesitating and start your journey to SUCCESS with personalised coaching tailored to YOUR needs.


Discover how countless professionals like you have achieved remarkable growth
and success with my proven approach…


Break Through Communication Barriers:

My tailored coaching empowers you to overcome communication obstacles, paving the way for enhanced collaboration, productivity, and career advancement.


Nurture Meaningful Relationships:

Unlock the secrets to building authentic connections that not only enrich your professional network but also contribute to personal fulfillment and happiness.


Navigate Leadership Challenges with Confidence:

Acquire the pivotal skills and insight to master the nuances of leadership, positioning yourself as a visionary force within your industry.


Prevent Burnout and Achieve Work-Life Harmony:

My proven methods help you strike a balance between professional ambitions and personal well-being, ensuring sustainable success without sacrificing your health and happiness.


Overcome Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome:

Break free from limiting beliefs and self-doubt, unlocking your full potential and stepping confidently into your role as a leader and influencer.


Maximise Return on Investment:

Unlike generic personal development strategies, my tailored approach ensures tangible results, maximising your return on investment in yourself and your future.

Don't let hesitation hold you back any longer. Take the leap with personalised coaching and unlock your journey to success.

What MY Clients Say:

What MY Clients Say:


I’m committed to your SUCCESS.

My program comes with a 6-MONTH GUARANTEE: if you don't see significant progress, I'll continue coaching you for FREE until you do.

Plus, if you decide within the 1st month that this isn't the right fit, you'll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

Designed to unlock your true potential, my coaching is an INVESTMENT in your future, not a cost.


I’m dedicated to your journey.

With a 6-month guarantee, if you don't experience significant progress, I'll work with you for FREE until you do.

And if, within the 1st month, you feel this path is not for you, rest assured, your investment will be fully refunded, no strings attached.

My program is designed to offer more than results; it’s an investment in unlocking your true potential without breaking the bank.

Trusted by leaders and professionals in Tech, Media, Finance & Banking, I help you elevate your career and supercharge your earning potential.

Copyrights © 2024 Daryl Seager

All rights reserved
